Rantings, Raves and Ramblings
A highway of words!
Published on September 20, 2004 By Anne Alogy In Blogging
Hello Again,

I consider myself very lucky.....I mostly get to work at home.....I was out with my friends Saturday night.....At one place, an absolute horse's ass of a drunk wouldn't leave our table.....The four of us excused ourselves, and told him we had to go to the ladies' room.....We didn't say which club's ladies' room.....I was designated driver again.....I haven't seen any stats lately, but alcoholism sure seems to be on the rise.....A sign of our stressful times, I guess.....The LA Times Sunday took it to TBN's Paul Crouch again, with Part 2 coming up Monday.....In the best tradition of Woodward & Bernstein, this time they followed the money.....We learned that the ministry owns 11 mansions in a gated Newport Beach community.....A mountain retreat.....Mansions in Texas, Ohio & Tennessee.....A $7.2 million private jet docked at John Wayne Airport in Orange County.....The list goes on and on.....All paid for by their Prayer Partners.....Is this beginning to sound familiar?.....The first network cancellation announcements of the new Fall TV season should be coming any time now.....Several years ago, one show was cancelled before its first episode had a chance to air.....It was about an East coast prep school, and apparently it was sooo bad, Fox pulled the plug before it's scheduled premier date.....Seven episodes had been filmed.....None of them ever aired.....The title escapes me.....I've viewed tapes, films and kinescopes at broadcasting museums both here and in NYC.....The worst show of any kind I ever saw was an episode of something NBC ran in the 70's called The Big Event.....It was titled That Was The Year That Was, no relation to That Was The Week That Was, a marvelous show that is making a comeback soon on Comedy Central, I believe.....It was supposed to be a humorous look back at 1976.....It starred Buck Henry, Edwin Newman, Melba Moore, and others I'm sure too embarrassed to be mentioned with this disaster.....It was appallingly bad.....And that's putting it very, very mildly.....It ran for 3 hours in December of 1976.....It must have been what TV critics call a kidney killer.....My candidate for worst series ever?.....I haven't seen everything, of course, but of what I have seen, I'd have to nominate another NBC disaster that ran for less than a month in 1982 called The Shape of Things.....Among the many regulars were Howie Mandel, who deserved better than this, and Elaine Boosler.....Also featured were the Chippendale Dancers.....The show was absolutely unwatchable.....I watched at the museum under a different environment than at home.....And it was brutal under those conditions.....During that period of time, NBC was a distaster area until Cheers came along.....Interesting line from 1964's The Game of Love, by Wayne Fontana & the Mindbenders....."The purpose of a man is to love a woman, and the purpose of a woman is to love a man".....Wonder what would happen if that song was newly released today?

Thank you for reading. As Always, Anne Alogy

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