Rantings, Raves and Ramblings
Are you also sick of any of these people?
Published on July 29, 2004 By Anne Alogy In Blogging
Heads Up, HTMLers,

If the following people were to fall off the radar, I wouldn't miss them:

Jillian Barbarie.....Rev. Al Sharpton.....Mary "Tipper" "Tennessee Trailer Trash" Gore.....Maurice Clarrett.....The remaining Bee Gees.....Joy Behar.....Kobe Bryant.....CBS President Leslie Moonves.....Barry Manilow.....Star Jones.....Robin Williams.....MIchael Eisner.....David Bowie.....Jerry Falwell.....Whoopi Goldberg.....Gov. Arnold Schwartzenegger.....Mick Jagger.....Pat Robertson.....SLA flunky Sara Jane Olson.....Newt Gingrich.....Elton John.....Chicago Bulls and White Sox owner Jerry Reinsdorf.....Ann Coulter.....President George W. Bush.....Madonna.....Charles Manson.....Laura Ingrahm.....Dick Cheney.....Any white singer from Utah with the last name of Osmond.....Rupert Murdoch.....Former President George H.W. Bush.....O.J. Simpson.....Dan Ackroyd.....Rush Limbaugh.....The Manson Girls.....Orrin Hatch.....Tommy Lasorda.....The cast of "Friends".....Sean Hannity.....Clear Channel Communications.....Linda Ronstadt.....Oliver North.....Joe Scarborough.....David Geffen.....Jessica Hahn.....The Verizon "Can you hear me now?" nerd.....Bill O'Reilly.....Barbra Streisand.....Rams owner Georgia Frontiere.....Dr. James Dobson, Focus on the Family chief.....Beyonce Knowles.....Martha Stewart.....John Ashcroft.....Allen Iverson.....Tom Arnold.....Spike Lee.....Ryan & Trista.....John McEnroe.....Anna Nicole Smith.....Woody Allen.....Omarosa Manigault-Stallworth.....CNN Crossfire's Tucker "Bow Tie Preppie" Carlson.....Michael Jackson.....Andy Dick.....John Travolta.....G. Gordon Liddy.....Jay Leno.....Steve Irwin.....Paulie Shore.....Jessica Simpson.....Donna Rice Hughes.....Will Smith.....Nike CEO Phil Knight.....Roseanne Barr.....Condoleeza Rice.....Sylvester Stallone.....Janet Jackson.....MIss Cleo.....Diane Sawyer.....Grant Tinker.....Jennifer Lopez.....Clarence Thomas.....Lily Tomlin.....Washington Redskins owner Daniel Snyder.....Bea Arthur.....Dr. Phil.....Mike Tyson.....Sharon Stone.

Maybe if we wish real hard.....well, maybe not. I'm sure I left some truly deserving people out, but what the hey?

'Til next blog, byeee! Love 'n Liberty, Anne

Comments (Page 2)
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on Aug 06, 2004

Heads up Anne,

I don't know how the heck you got anything hateful out of my comment.  I simply asked what kind of people you like (not specifically who) and extrapolated (correctly apparently) that you weren't a conservative.  You, in turn, came back with a very defensive comment.  You know absolutely nothing about me.  You don't even know whether or not I agree with you.  I said nothing negative about liberals.  I made no derogative remarks in any way.

How do you justify your comment?  I don't hate anyone and dislike very few.  I am just curious as to what set you off.

on Aug 06, 2004
*Jill, Jill, Jill,

Please re-read my initial reply to you. If you can find an insult or cheap shot aimed at you, then you're one up on me. I have, however, read plenty of others' blogs, and judging by the tone of them, if they had their way, anyone who doesn't vote conservative should be locked up. We seemed to get a lot of that from the GOP of the 50's, and they don't like to talk about that today.

As I mentioned earlier, if I had listed all people I liked, it would have taken way too much precious time. I'm lucky to be able to send out one blog a day. I don't have the time to send out multiples like some people do. And, I consider blogging a blessing, whatever our points of view are.

The list I created was meant to be in fun, just as any of my lists are. They're nothing to start arguments about.

You are quite correct when you say that I know nothing about you. However, when you said "What about Michael Moore?" I, like anyone else would have, got the impression that you're a conservative. Have you read some of the anti-Michael Moore blogs? Some want him jailed for making "Farhenheit 9-11"! Last I saw, the Constitution precludes that sort of thing from happening. These same people who think dissidents should be put away wave the flag proudly and call themselves patriots. True patriots, if you ask me, believe in freedom of speech, and the right to dissent. Even when a liberal is president.

If you dislike Michael Moore, Jill, that is your God-given right. I agree that he's been all over the media. But, the difference is, I'm a fan!

If I got a wrong impression of you, then consider me corrected. And the beat goes on..... As Always, Anne
on Aug 07, 2004

That's funny, as a conservative and the owner of the site, it would seem to me that if we thought that liberals should be locked up that, at the very least, we'd remove articles of opposing views.

As for Michael Moore, I've seen a lot of anti-Moore articles but I can't recall anyone saying he should be jailed.

You accused Jill of being hateful simply because she asked you why someone as obnoxious as Michael Moore isn't on your list. 

You like Michael Moore. That's fine. I like Condoleeza Rice.  The fact that conservatives don't like Michael Moore doesn't make them hateful anymore than you not liking Condoleeza Rice makes you hateful.

The list I created was meant to be in fun, just as any of my lists are. They're nothing to start arguments about.

Right.. And when Jill asked a very simple question with not an ounce of argument in her statement, you responded with:

Heads Up, Jill,

I'm a big fan of Michael Moore, and therefore he does not belong on my list. However, you're perfectly entitled to make up your own list on a future blog of yours and put him on it.

If I listed the people I like, there wouldn't be enough time in my lifetime to make the list complete. I'm 30, btw. I think, however, that the list that you just spent some of your valuable time reading stacks up pretty good vs. people I like, people I know personally, and the rest of the world. Look at it this way, Jill: There are over two billion people in China and India who don't care.

I learned a long time ago that it isn't against the law to be a conservative. That's part of being a liberal. We respect the rights of others to think what they wish. When it's illegal to be a liberal, you let me know. I don't want to be a lawbreaker, like some conservatives I could name.

That looks pretty argumentative to me.

I am pleased to know that you learned at some point that it's not illegal to be a conservative.  And it's really big of you to respect the rights of others. 

As a conservative, I've always knowns it's not illegal to have opposing points of view. And not only do I respect the rights of others, I've spent tens of thousands of dollars to enable people of all political persuasions to have a free way of expressing their opinions.  So you'll have to excuse me if I find the tone of your responses a bit argumentative as they seem to imply that somehow conservatives are narrow minded or desire to restrict the rights of others.

I agree that it's fun to make lists. But you sure came across as defensive to Jill's question in my opinion.

on Aug 07, 2004

Your whip...is...um...little. Heh heh.


on Aug 07, 2004


Rather than spend precious time, I'll get right to the points:

1) I NEVER accused Jill of being hateful, please re-read; 2) I said SOME conservatives wanted Michael Moore prosecuted NOT all & 3) For the sake of peace in the Joe User family, I'll humor one or two of you by saying you were right & I was wrong. Happy now?

*Little_whip, I have better things to do with my precious time than go to something called voodoochat, even though tonight, I'm seeing Big Bad Voodoo Daddy at the Hollywood Bowl! Maybe my name isn't all that clever, but did the other one copyright it like I did? What you do with little whips behind closed doors is none of my concern.

As Always, Anne
on Aug 08, 2004

Let's try to gracefully end all this petty quibbling. Remember, the root cause of all this was a list that was written with the express purpose of being in FUN! This is reminding me of my grandmother's bridge games, and some of the bickering over ridiculous topics that took place there.

FIRST: Upon further review, My initial reply to Jill was erroneous on my part. She asked a simple, one-line question, and I got very long-winded. Jill did not deserve that. Maybe I was thrilled to be writing without the clouds of deadlines and restrictions, which I face on a daily basis here. I am working on a film project at this time. *JILL, on Michael Moore, we respectfully agree to disagree. I should have left it at that.

SECOND, *Little_Whip, being new to Joe User like I am, I just naturally assumed, like most would have, that you were a male. I hadn't read the blogs of others at the time, and now I know better, and stand corrected. As for your initial reply being humorous, I wish that had been made more clear. As for the copyright issue, judging by your tone, I don't think you'd believe me anyway, so what's the point? I did that several years ago just in case it might come in handy some time. I haven't used it for profit---yet!

THIRD, I would have sworn I saw a blog on Joe User titled "Michael Moore should be prosecuted". Perhaps I was mistaken on it's location, or perhaps it was deleted later. If it wasn't here, I was wrong. But if you've listened to talk radio or seen one particular cable news channel, you would think that there's plenty of people who think that.

I sincerely hope that this settles at least some of the dust, and that wind is not in the forecast. As Always, Anne
on Aug 16, 2004

We here in Utah of the non-mormon persuasion appreciate your insightful placement of some of our most infamous residents on your list.

Roseanne Barr (i went to the same high school as her...Talk about an embarrassing legacy!)

Senator Orrin Hatch (fascist puppet of the church)

And the entire mutant bunch known as the Osmonds. (nobody should have teeth that big!)

And don't let some (NOTE i said SOME... so don't start up on me) neo-cons on this site get you down. They seem to feed off of trying to turn your own words against you, because their words often hold so little meaning. And YES you did see "Michael Moore should be prosecuted" in the blogs. I guess they want to bring you up on charges if you have a dissenting opinion nowadays too. Kinda spooky eh?

And little_whip is a woman, but she does have a pair of balls on her.....Oh shit...now she's gonna come after me!....hee hee <----note: that means that was a JOKE (just to let ya know whip)

Viva El Rally Monkey!

P.S. BTW....I love the pic on your webpage!
on Aug 16, 2004
As for the copyright issue, judging by your tone, I don't think you'd believe me anyway, so what's the point? I did that several years ago just in case it might come in handy some time. I haven't used it for profit---yet!

Aren't names Trademarked rather than Copyrighted?

And little_whip is a woman, but she does have a pair of balls on her

All women have balls; they're just higher up. (I'm quoting. Wish I could remember who said it.)

on Aug 16, 2004

*thatoneguy, Thank you! I knew I wasn't seeing things! Someone at JU did want Michael Moore prosecuted! Roseanne is an embarrassment to women, not just Utah! The Osmosis' teeth always drove me up the wall!
Thank you for the very nice words. --Anne

*Gene, I was able to get a copyright by adding a couple of words to the name. To reveal all the info involved would also mean mentioning my real name. When everyone else here does it, I'll think about shedding some of my privacy.

Thank you both. As Always, Anne
on Aug 16, 2004
would also mean mentioning my real name. When everyone else here does it, I'll think about shedding some of my privacy.

I know most of the regulars real first names. Several of them I know their full names. You obviously know my full name. What's your threshold?

(Not that I care about the copyright non-issue -- I'm just curious.)
on Aug 16, 2004

*Gene, there's nothing sinister about this on my part. It's a choice, not a pre-requisite. You chose to use your real name and that's fine. Like most here, I'm choosing to use a nom-de-plume. Enough people here in Hollywood know who I am, and frankly, I wouldn't mind if the whole world knew, provided I did something worthy like a screenplay or novel, which are two goals of mine.

Maybe I should also confess to a little paranoia. I had a stalker about a year and a half ago, and it was a scary experience. Fortunatly, he was dealt with, and won't be bothering me again. So if I seem a little over-protective of myself, please try to understand.

Thank you, Gene, As Always, Anne
on Aug 16, 2004
I had a stalker about a year and a half ago

He wasn't called Otis by any chance was he dear girl?
on Aug 16, 2004

Mr. Nash, I agree with you that the copyright thing is a non-issue. But, so is Ms. Alogy's privacy. I think you're out of line asking her why she doesn't use her real name. She gave you an explanation that she didn't owe anyone. I hope you can be happy with that.
on Aug 17, 2004

In Summary:

"Anne," you have a nasty, combative attitude and I believe you're lying. Anyone who wants to confirm it, can go to the LOCIS database at the Library of Congress.

Yegg, mind your own business.

While I don't have a list of people I wish would go away, I just found a couple to start one off with.

Feel free to imagine you are accomplishing something by "getting in the last word" because I won't be back.

on Aug 17, 2004


There is little I can add regarding the above reply. I believe that it speaks for itself. I think I would hate to see this man in a night club. First word, last word, doesn't matter. Feathers were ruffled over a blog that was supposed to be in fun. I find something terribly wrong with that.

*Yegg, thank you.

As Always, Anne
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