Rantings, Raves and Ramblings
More Ramblings
Published on July 23, 2004 By Anne Alogy In Blogging
Heads Up, Humanoids,

I haven't lived anywhere else in my life, but it seems to me that Los Angeles is THE rudest city in the world.....Shouldn't Dennis the Menace have died along with Hank Ketcham? Do you know anyone who actually reads that unfunny panel that celebrates bad parenting, dysfunctional behavior and white suburbia?.....Why is it that no matter what time I tune in, CNN is always in a commercial?.....CNN was much better when Ted Turner actually ran it.....Speaking of Ted Turner, where's he been lately? He's been uncharacteristically quiet these days.....Courtney Love is a time bomb waiting to go off.....Speaking of ticking clocks, Omarosa, it's getting awfully close to 15, tic tic tic.....Will someone please explain to me how outsourcing will benefit the American workforce? I know 2 people who lost their jobs to overseas, but the only way they're benefitting is from their unemployment checks.....Just wondering: shouldn't those traders heard on the Enron tapes laughing about ripping off California be prosecuted?.....TV news in LA is truly awful; anyone here knows that already.....I hate it when sitcoms take a dramatic turn; HELL-LLOOOO? You're supposed to be a COMEDY! Comedy means you're supposed to MAKE PEOPLE LAUGH! You don't see The Sopranos, NYPD Blue and Law & Order going for guffaws.....With all the technological advances in virtually all aspects of life, shouldn't this be a better world than what it is? Look around you.....Why would I want to live in Truth or Consequences, NM?.....With all love and respect due our gay brethren, I'll wager that the upcoming wedding of Star Jones will be the gayest thing EVER!.....Do you ever wonder whatever happened to the guy in the rainbow wig who used to flash John 3:16 signs at sporting events? Me neither, but I learned that he's serving a life sentence at a Federal prison for making threats against the LA airport, and holding a hotel maid hostage.....Anyone who flashes religious signs at a sports event has some serious issues, and I don't want to be anywhere near them.....Rush Limbaugh is a fat, stupid, obnoxious, annoying, hypocritical pig with about 89 chins, but I'm not telling you anything that you don't already know.....How come conservatives and right-wingers don't defend McCarthyism and Watergate? They're awfully quiet about those things.....The best commercials EVER were the ones for Wells Fargo Bank, with the sillhouetted stage coach, beautifully subtle music, and scrolling copy at the bottom of the screen with no voiceover; I guess good commercials like that are bad for business, God forbid commercials should actually be good and not talk down to people.....I can't wait for the first game between the Miami Heat and the Lakers.....Yes, I'm ready for some football.....Sorry, but when I read fewer stories about teachers who tape students' mouths shut, or send them to the cloakroom and forget that they're there, and as a result the student stays there overnight and is traumatized for life, or up on multiple molesting or statutory rape charges, I'll have more respect for the world's second-oldest profession.....There are reasons why they're called people who can't.....Bear with me, I'm trying to think of a graceful way out of this article.....There's a fish sandwich with my name on it waiting for me, that's my graceful way out.....Until next time.....Byeee! Love n' Liberty, Anne

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