Rantings, Raves and Ramblings
Published on August 4, 2004 By Anne Alogy In Blogging
Hello Again (killed off the previous greeting),

I admit it, I just can't resist:

Lawrence Welk reruns.....Wrestling.....Kentucky Fried Chicken, extra crispy.....Comic books.....WWII movies.....Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.....Maverick reruns.....Driving on Pacific Coast Highway for no apparent reason.....Big band music, especially Glenn Miller, both Dorseys, and Cab Calloway.....Shopping for shoes.....Sourdough bread.....My favorite salon.....Candlelight.....Humphrey Bogart.....Internet radio.....Chaize Lounges (wish I had one).....Rainy nights.....Listening to a police scanner.....Warm, clean clothes fresh out of the dryer.....Combining Vanilla ice cream and peanut butter.....The Mojave Desert at night, lighted only by a giant, yellow moon.....Driving by the Rose Bowl.....Black stockings.....Big, beefy, cheesey, greasy, oniony, lettucey, tomatoee tacos.....Old radio shows.....Rolltop desks (wish I had one).....Jim Bouton books.....Old churches.....Mafia & gangster-type movies (not to be confused with lame, modern-day gangstas).....Spicy hot dogs.....Fireplaces (wish I had one).....Cars from the 50's & 60's (ditto).....Watching high speed police pursuits on TV.....McDonald's Quarter Pounders.....The sound of waves crashing at night.....Spanish-style architecture.....Route 66 between Pasadena and Rialto.....Old neon signs.....Robert De Niro.....In n' Out Burger.....Small beach towns (which are rapidly disappearing in SoCal, damn).....Cheek-to-cheek dancing.....Burritos with green chili & sour cream.....Shortwave radio.....Plaid skirts.....Public Access TV (in LA, it's a howl!).....The few remaining drive-in theatres.....Staring at Catalina Island from the shoreline.....Most sea food.....Pepperoni pizza.....Wearing stockings & heels while lovemaking.....My easy chair.

I'm sure I'll think of other things later. Thanks for reading this. As Always, Anne Alogy

on Aug 04, 2004

uh-oh indeed. 

a concurrent combination of any five (i cant possibly single out just one or two) carries such potential for sensory overload, the mind simply boggles and reels.



on Aug 04, 2004
Hey Kingbee,

Maybe that would explain how I wound up at Cal State Northridge and not UCLA or USC!

Easy, boy! Nice Kingbee! -- Anne
on Aug 04, 2004
Wearing stockings & heels while lovemaking..... call me straight laced but how is that possible????
on Aug 04, 2004

Wearing stockings & heels while lovemaking..... call me straight laced but how is that possible????

Stockings end at the tops of your thighs.  I think that you're thinking of hose, which have a panty-like deal....prohibiting access to the relevant parts.

on Aug 04, 2004

Stockings end at the tops of your thighs


on Aug 04, 2004
Well Anne you certainly have woken(is that a word) everyone up this morning!

Entertaining as always.
on Aug 04, 2004
Maybe I should revive Heads Up for this one!

*Dharmagrl, thank you for saving me the trouble of taking the too-easy cheap shot or obvious quip at our naive correspondent.

*Kingbee, as a great and glorious king, you are sooo wise, as you always are!

*KellyW, Your grammar is fine. Thank you for the nice words!

*wuxiaomao, I saved you for last. Just how much time did you spend with the Red Guard? Stick to your guilty pleasure, the Chairman's little red book, and don't let the pages get all sticky!

As Always, Anne
on Aug 04, 2004

Stockings end at the tops of your thighs


I take it that Kingbee is a garter-belt-and-stockings kind of guy?

My husband is too.....

on Aug 04, 2004

No telling with the King, but I'm sure he's not the only one if he is!

Something tells me that you are very happily married! More power to you!

Thanks for the nice words, As Always, Anne
on Aug 05, 2004

I take it that Kingbee is a garter-belt-and-stockings kind of guy?

i was thinking more like thighhighs but...i'm generally easily adaptable

on Aug 05, 2004
Hello, Kingbee,

No comment from me is necessary on your latest reply---oops!

As Always, Anne
on Aug 05, 2004

on Aug 22, 2004
Thanks for all the wonderful reminders of how much we have to be grateful for and how many awesome pleasures can be "re-discovered"
on Aug 22, 2004

*Trudy, Thank You! --Anne