Rantings, Raves and Ramblings
Couldn't think of a better title!
Published on August 6, 2004 By Anne Alogy In Blogging
Hello Again (hrrmph!),

I just noticed that we'll be having a Friday the 13th this month.....Suits me fine.....I've rarely had a bad Friday the 13th.....One of my favorite hideaways is the little village of Oak Glen, off of I-10 just beyond Redlands.....If you didn't know better, you'd swear you were in a quaint New England village.....The home made apple pies at the town's only restaurant are incredible!.....I hope the developers never discover it.....They've sullied Redlands, which used to be quaint.....No designated driving for me this weekend, I'm happy to say.....I'll be at a concert at the Hollywood Bowl.....Big Bad Voodoo Daddy.....They're great!.....Parking at the Hollywood Bowl can be a nightmare, but I'm not driving to this event.....I learned earlier that an annoying panhandler in our general area is in jail.....I noticed he hadn't been around for a couple of weeks.....He'll probably be back soon to bug us again.....The Dodgers aren't floundering, despite the recent hoodwinkings they got in their recent trades.....Give them time.....Disagree all you want, it's fine with me, but Howard Stern is the best thing on the radio.....I think the "Got Milk?" commercials are truly asinine.....The two guys who came up with the slogan actually think they're marketing geniuses.....It took them months of meetings and brainstorming sessions to come up with the two words.....Sheesh.....Probably one word apiece.....I'm sorry to say that I've only gone sailing once.....I wouldn't mind seconds.....I drove by Paramount Pictures, they still have a billboard up for the sitcom "Everything's Relative".....Which hasn't been seen since Gray Davis was still Governor.....Paramount released the most movies of anyone in 2003.....And did not recieve a single, solitary Oscar nomination.....I haven't felt a quake in a long time.....Rice Chex is my favorite cereal.....For some reason, I like sitting at a corner end zone seat at a football game.....Maybe it's because from there, you can see everything.....Don't have to turn your head.....Same thing with a hockey game.....Julia Stiles, whom I predict big things for, should ask Brooke Shields and Demi Moore about picking movie projects wisely.....A neighbor walks his two friendly Pit Bulls on our street every evening.....Their names are Bonnie & Clyde.....My cat avoids B&C like the plague.....TRUE: When the comic strip Dilbert was about to begin, they changed the name of the character we now know as Dogbert.....His original name?.....Dildog.....Wonder why they changed it?.....If you do wonder, puh-leez don't ask me!.....In the immortal words of Dogbert.....I SAID IT'S ALL GONE!!!

Thanks for reading this, As Always, Anne Alogy

on Aug 06, 2004

bbvd should be fun.   doncha feel my leg is a great old tune.  dildog?  aaaaaaaaaaaahahahaha too funny

have a great time at the bowl

on Aug 06, 2004

i used to love it when one of the pogo characters would point out that friday the 13th was gonna be on a wednesday this month.

on Aug 06, 2004

*Kingbee, I am truly blessed. Not only do I get BBVD, the LA Philharmonic will be performing also! It ought to be awesome!

Regarding Dogbert, it's amazing they didn't notice that potential faux pas until just before the strip's debut.

As big as it was in it's day, Pogo would be HUGE today, doncha think? What would Walt Kelly have done to Reagan, Clinton, the Bushes, Newt Gingrich, the Gores, and so on? My favorite line from Pogo was "We have met the enemy, and he is us!" Doesn't look like things have changed all that much.

Love your feedback! As Always, Anne