Rantings, Raves and Ramblings
Anne's wish list!
Published on August 7, 2004 By Anne Alogy In Blogging
Hello Again,

This list will be incomplete, I'm sure, but I wish.....

More people would vote, doesn't matter how they vote.....Instead of using tired, old pickup lines that never worked, interested men would just say "hello" and talk to women like they would anybody else.....Baseball had less between-inning time.....I could go to Europe again.....That companies would stop sending US jobs overseas; that's billions, perhaps trillions of unpaid tax dollars going bye-bye.....Berkeley Breathed's (creator of Bloom County) new Sunday-only strip, Opus, was funny.....The movie biz would put less emphasis on special effects and more on storylines and character development.....That we knew the whole JFK assassination truth, once and for all.....I could sit in the bleachers at Wrigley Field in Chicago.....San Francisco and LA were closer in distance.....That I could adopt every dog & cat that's in a shelter or stray.....Movies and TV shows would put more actual Hispanics in more good guy Hispanic roles and stop casting other races as good Hispanics.....The Miami Heat would win next year's NBA title.....The city of Flint, Michigan would somehow recover from all the GM closings.....That Congress would repeal the Telecommunications Act of 1996.....That more people knew about the WWII-era scoundrel, Breckenridge Long, who is worth a Google search.....People would realize how they're being manipulated by the alcohol & tobacco industries.....That Chicago Cub fans could experience what we Angel fans experienced in 2002.....Another network would revive Line of Fire, a marvelous show that ABC needlessly mishandled.....That the city of Los Angeles hadn't let the Hollywood district deteriorate into the dump that it's become.....College football had a playoff system.....No politician would use attack ads.....AM radio had the same sound quality as FM.....That I knew what happens when you die, i.e. is there an afterlife or not?.....There was more than one daily paper in LA.....That everyone's fondest wish could somehow come true.

Thanks for reading. As Always, Anne Alogy

on Aug 07, 2004
I wish that the Mariners would AT LEAST make the playoffs....but that is a miracle not a wish..
Entertaining as always..
on Aug 07, 2004
I haven't commented yet, but you are one of my favorites here.
on Aug 07, 2004

*KellyW, Take heart. The M's may be floundering now, but I understand the farm system is quite fertile, and you may have many future post-seasons to look foward to. I gotta admit, the only reason we Angel fans have for optimism is that new owner Arte Moreno may become the George Steinbrenner of the West, and look what George has done for the Yankees! Chin Up, Kel!

*WiseFawn, Thank you very much.

As Always, Anne