Rantings, Raves and Ramblings
Randomly speaking
Published on August 22, 2004 By Anne Alogy In Blogging
Hello Again,

On this particular Saturday night, I stayed home.....I went nowhere, saw no one.....It was divine.....Lake Wobegon is fine.....Soup, sandwich & Fritos was my dinner.....Also fine.....Yankee Stadium is an awesome place.....I was there in May.....I've been to NYC only twice, but both times it's been a great visit.....I'm looking foward to going again sometime.....Tapestry by Carole King is the greatest female artist album, ever.....Sheryl Crow will be one of the all-time greats, if love, drugs, booze or ego don't get in the way.....I could list waaay too many artists who went downhill once they got too full of themselves.....Lake Tahoe is a definite must-see if at all possible.....One of Nature's masterpieces.....Reno is another story altogether.....Life Goes On, the family drama on ABC some years back with the Corky character, was the most unintentionally funny show, ever.....I could get addicted to Perry Mason reruns.....Town that gets a bum rap: Bakersfield.....Much nicer than the jokes would have you think.....The JC football stadium there would do a lot of Division 1 schools proud.....True Fact: Reno is WEST of Los Angeles.....In Johnny Cash's Folsom Prison Blues, he shot a man in Reno.....So why is he in Folsom Prison, which is in California?.....Whenever you see someone at a fair or circus or something get into a cage with poisonous snakes, there's a trick to it.....The snakes are all female, and since there's only one of each type of poisonous snake, the snakes are all weary of each other.....So for safety's sake, the snakes all keep to themselves.....The guy in the cage is in virtually no danger.....Irene is a gem.....Who's Irene?.....Has anyone else noticed the parallel lines between the characters of Saved By The Bell & Archie?..... Another trick uncovered: When you go to the midway and see a big, strong man who can't ring the bell with the hammer, he's got it all wrong.....It's leverage, not strength.....If you hit the EDGE of the lever with the TOP half of the hammer, you'll ring the bell EVERY time!.....Yes, I've done it.....Anyone who knows the trick can do it.....DING! DING!

Looking foward to the opening of the L.A. County Fair soon! As Always, Anne Alogy

on Aug 22, 2004

I could get addicted to Perry Mason reruns

altho ill cop to being under sway of a very addictive personality naturally, those are especially dangerous.  i couldnt stand the show when i was younger but....  (im still not over the old mad magazine parody version of the show featuring district attorney burgerbits either)

on Aug 22, 2004

*King, I would imagine that this show must have been a ripe target for Mad Magazine in the 60's. Raymond Burr appeared on Howard Stern and talked about how much the show was made fun of, but they loved it. The show was filmed on La Brea where A&M Records used to be, the original Charlie Chaplin Studios. I would love to see Perry Mason outtakes.

As Always, Anne