Rantings, Raves and Ramblings
Bloggus Interruptus
Published on August 23, 2004 By Anne Alogy In Blogging
Hello Again,

I had a nice all-movie blog going.....About 90% through it, AOL booted me.....I'll try it again later this week.....How 'bout dem Angels?.....Only 70 days 'til Election Day.....Quick review of Excorcist: The Beginning: Don't bother.....May be worst movie of 2004.....Prediction: If Bush somehow gets a second term, impeachment hearings will begin by the end of 2006.....The nation is way too divided for our own good.....The media isn't helping.....Please, just report the damn news, don't make it.....A major scandal about a major mega-movie star is about to break, unless the spin doctors or attorneys can somehow stop it.....Sorry, I'm sworn to secrecy.....But you'll probably be hearing about it soon enough.....The real "secret" of surviving the Hollywood jungle is to not ask a lot of questions.....If it's worth knowing, you'll hear about it sooner or later.....And, by not asking a lot of questions, you gain the confidence of many.....Qualifications to be a tabloid reporter: Be willing to break anyone's confidence, then say with a straight face that the public has a right to know.....I guess I'm not qualified to be a tabloid reporter.....Sunday was the 40th anniversary of the Beatles' first LA appearence at the Hollywood Bowl.....Local radio legend and game show host Bob Eubanks mortgaged his house to stage the concert.....After paying all his expenses, he had less than $1000 left over.....It must have been fun to have been a teenager during the heyday of Beatlemania.....An FM station in Sacramento recently changed its format to All-Howard Stern, 24 hours a day.....Their letters are KHWD.....Can Imus or Rush claim that?.....AOL still hasn't booted me this time.....College football starts this week.....About time.....According to some internet reports, some insiders don't like the direction the WWE is going in.....Vince McMahon has made mistakes before.....During a 2-year stretch between 1997-99, he had heels (industry terminology for villians) dominate, and fans sat on their hands until they stopped paying.....He waaay over-exposed his daughter Stephanie during that time.....People got sick of Triple H also.....He did learn from those mistakes.....Nowadays, he needs new angles, no pun intended.....WWE fans have pretty much seen what's going on now before.....There must be a ton of dirt on Dr. Gene Scott, there HAS to be.....We should have sent the Detroit Pistons to Athens instead.....United We Stand.....Divided We Fall.

Thank you for reading. Thank you, AOL. As Always, Anne Alogy

on Aug 23, 2004
Anne...Friends don't let friends use AOL!
on Aug 23, 2004

Friends don't let friends use AOL!

Wise words..... Unless, of course, you work someplace that you get it for $3/month or something.

on Aug 23, 2004

I guess I'm not qualified to be a tabloid reporter

tabloids pay a lot...but you can make more money doing contract hits (and i think more people can relate to hitmen)

Quick review of Excorcist: The Beginning: Don't bother

im shocked!  .   when will they start producing prequels of things like..huckleberry finn (im so tempted to pitch that one here but..)?  orwell's 1984 (1981:little brother arrives)? dmv drivers' manual?  book of genesis?

on Aug 23, 2004

you get it for $3/month or something

and then only if id exhausted every other option including build-yer-own wireless modem using a pringles container, some washers, some wire and a usb plug.

on Aug 23, 2004
Aol was cool when they used to send those free trials and u could use them and cancel an hour before your 3 months was up and recieve another one in the mail or at the mall...yes I'm cheap!
on Aug 23, 2004

Aol was cool when they used to send those free trials and u could use them and cancel an hour before your 3 months was up and recieve another one in the mail or at the mall...yes I'm cheap

i had to replace a corrupt driver for my ethernet card and couldnt log on using cable..so i jammed a modem back into the system, installed aol, signed up using my checking acct, spent 20 minutes getting connected, then 15 mins more finding and downloading the driver and uninstalled aol thinking theyd surely realize i was canceling the acct.  some 73 days later i realized the error of my ways  (which included not balancing my checkbook because i knew how much money i had so why look at the statement?)   fortunately it only cost me for one month but...

on Aug 23, 2004

*thatoneguy, wise words indeed!

*Karma, I did get a deal at the beginning. And, everytime I've complained to them, either online or by phone, they've given me a free month!

*wuxiaomao, you have to save money where you can.

*king, an awful lot of celebs would love to hit tabloid writers! They're strongly encouraged by their people not to.
How about a prequel to The Land Before Time?
When it comes to billing, AOL does some strange things, also.

As Always, Anne
on Aug 24, 2004

The Land Before Time?

im on my knees in awe

on Aug 24, 2004

*Kingbee, one word: Awwwwww! --Anne