Rantings, Raves and Ramblings
Lotsa thoughts!
Published on August 25, 2004 By Anne Alogy In Blogging
Hello Again,

I was in New York City a few months ago.....It looked NOTHING like a "Friends" episode.....The show may be out of production, but the criticism keeps piling on.....And it will for years to come.....They brought it on themselves.....It would have been nice if at least one of the cast members had addressed the race issue.....I guess they couldn't be bothered with it.....Zola Budd was interviewed recently, 20 years after her memorable collision with Mary Decker at the LA Olympics.....She's still a moron.....The cable news channels are truly blowing it this morning.....2 major plane crashes in Russia, many deaths, terrorism may be involved, and hardly a word from the outlets.....Not even a lead story.....I wish Ted Turner would come out of hiding and regain control of CNN.....No one wants to admit it, but Democrats have been quietly cursing Al Gore.....Complacent campaigning caused him to lose his home state of Tennessee in 2000.....If he had won his home state, the Florida mess would never have happened.....Tipper's crusade against rock music also came back to haunt the Gores.....But you can't get them to admit it publicly.....Privately, that's another matter.....Off the record, Tipper told many people at fund-raisers that the Senate hearings and the PMRC were major mistakes on her part.....But she won't say it publicly.....Screw the Gores.....I guess they forgot that rock fans vote, pay taxes, and have long memories.....Mrs. Gore once waved at me from the back seat of a limo.....I gave her 1/5 of a wave back.....I supported Bill Bradley in 2000.....He would have been a much worthier nominee.....Certainly a much more honorable man.....A year or so later, a candidate for LA City Council knocked on my door to ask for my vote and answer any questions.....He didn't win, but he got my vote anyway.....I figure any politician who takes a personal interest in his potential constituents is ok with me.....This guy actually shook a lot of hands and kissed a lot of babies.....Just how powerful are Congressmen from states that have only one Congressman?.....A big block party has been planned for my neighborhood on Election Night.....Just about all of us contributed to the expense of the party.....I coughed up $50, others did more, some less.....Food & refreshments have already been ordered.....A couple big-screen TVs will be put up.....I just hope that nothing happens to take me out of town that night.....It might be fun that night.

If you haven't done so, please register to vote. As Always, Anne Alogy

on Aug 25, 2004

I supported Bill Bradley in 2000.....He would have been a much worthier nominee.....Certainly a much more honorable man

which explains why he's no longer seeking office.  i would have liked to see bradley run as well.

Zola Budd was interviewed recently, 20 years after her memorable collision with Mary Decker at the LA Olympics.....She's still a moron  

conversely, i wish i hadnt seen her run (especially that race)  i still feel so badly for mary decker.  i dont think budd did it purposely (and that's not pro-barefoot runner bias )..but jeez whatta klutz

on Aug 25, 2004
Great piece as always, anne.

For the record, I agree the PMRC hearings hurt Gore. I switched my vote over to Gore on election day...before that, I was going to vote independent (I am certain I won't do the same for Kerry, though).

The most interesting thing about the PMRC is, in my opinion, Twisted Sister, a band that would otherwise have been relegated to 80's trivia, became rock legends due to Dee Snider's testimony. And I would LOVE to see someone publish footage of Zappa's testimony on DVD (any idea where I can find video of it?)
on Aug 25, 2004

*King, Bill Bradley was too good a guy to get elected President. He made too much sense, and Lord Knows, we can't have that!
Zola Budd had no business being in the Olympics in the first place. Her real country was expelled, and she took side doors to rapidly become a British citizen. She can remain in oblivion where she belongs. --Anne

*Gideon, The PMRC hurt the Gores more than they'll ever admit. VH-1 has run specials looking back at those "halcyon" days. The Frank Zappa website, run by his kids Dweezil & Moon Unit may be a good place to look. Sorry, I don't have an address. Another good place to look would be Jimladd.com, the website of legendary LA DJ Jim Ladd. He's as much of a talk show host as he is a DJ, and has had a lot to say about Tipper Gore over the years. He answers every email he gets, and if anyone could direct you to such video, he could. I tried to include a link, but it just didn't take.
Dee Snider is one of the funniest people in Rock 'n Roll.
Thank you for the nice words, As Always, Anne