Rantings, Raves and Ramblings
Off the top of my head...
Published on August 28, 2004 By Anne Alogy In Blogging
Hello Again,

I wasn't around then, but remember all those old cartoons from the 50's & 60's that showed us how great the future was going to be?.....I do believe that now is those 'toons definition of the future.....What the hell happened?.....Next time you see a politician claim that he's "tough on crime", remember that he needs high crime rates to get elected---and to stay in office.....So what do you think he's actually going to do about crime once he's in office?.....The answer to same-sex marriage should be a no-brainer.....If you don't want a same-sex marriage, don't have one.....What others do with a marriage license should be their concern exclusively.....If marriage is so damn sacred, why do we let individuals get out of one so easily and into another, time after time?.....We won't recognize the union of 2 people of the same gender who genuinely love each other.....But yet we recognize the multiple marriages of some Arab sheik who has about 153 wives and is screwing around with our oil prices.....Or Osama bin Laden's 35 or so wives.....Elizabeth Taylor, with all due respect, has been married 8 times.....Was all this the original intention of marriage?.....Perhaps we've got it all wrong.....Maybe men & women should look further into the concept of civil unions rather than marriage.....New York, 2004, is trying its best not to resemble Chicago, 1968.....Good luck, Big Apple, you'll need it.....Robert K. Dornan, former Congressman from Orange County, never gives up.....I'll give him credit for persistence, but that's about it.....I hate it when there's a panhandler lurking around ATMs.....Do they really expect people to just hand them a twenty?.....I don't remember that scenario in those "great future" cartoons.....Fair warning: Do NOT see Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2.....It's even worse than Excorcist: The Beginning, and I thought that was impossible.....Superbabies is sooo bad, Sony couldn't even find an out-of-context quote to put in their ad.....I guaran-damn-tee you, if you pay to see Superbabies, you will leave the theatre feeling violated.....I Love Lucy is the show that won't die.....In 53 years, it's never been off the air.....Sales of I Love Lucy to TV stations worldwide have helped Viacom, Inc. out of more than one financial jam.....If Desi Arnaz hadn't sold ownership of the show to Viacom, Paramount Pictures and CBS would have different owners today.....And Lucie & Desi Arnaz, Jr. would be mentioned in the same breath as Donald Trump, Ted Turner, the Hilton Family, etc......I met Lucie Arnaz once, she seemed very good-natured.....Just because you meet somebody once doesn't mean you know them.....One celeb I haven't met, but keep hearing about from others is Pamela Anderson.....According to ALL second-hand info I get, she's apparently a very nice person.....Good to work with, gets along with everyone.....Shows up on time, no diva tantrums, is nice to her fans, team player.....And that's why she'll always be able to find work.....She's well-respected around town, and that's saying something.

Oh, well, tomorrow is another day. Thanks for reading. As Always, Anne Alogy

on Aug 28, 2004
Anne Alogy,
Interesting reading......haven't got time to comment further right now....but I'll try and come back later!
on Aug 29, 2004

*Crusade, Y'all come on back any ol' time! I will welcome your comment(s). --Anne
on Aug 29, 2004

don't remember that scenario in those "great future" cartoons

for good reason.  if, during the 50s and early 60s, anyone had prophesied by 1970 there would be people sleeping and living in the streets of an american city, they woulda been locked up for being delusional.  the panhandlers of  yesteryear were--by today's standards--few and far between.  they musta been more capable too because those i saw sleeping in public werent homeless..just passed out.

on Aug 29, 2004

*King, the problem seems to be getting worse, and I find that scary. It's almost like Soylent Green was some kind of prophecy. Maybe some new cartoons need to be made.

As Always, Anne