Rantings, Raves and Ramblings
It's Monday!
Published on August 30, 2004 By Anne Alogy In Blogging
Hello Again,

Early this afternoon, I went to a favorite diner.....The food is good & reasonably priced.....The waitress asked "What'll ya have, Hon?".....I knew that she meant that in a maternal way.....I ordered a deluxe cheeseburger, crispy fries, Coca-Cola & coffee.....Yes, I drank both at the same time.....The cheese on the burger was melted just perfectly.....Always leave making a cheeseburger to the pros.....The fries snapped louder than any thumb & two fingers could.....Full containers of mustard & ketchup at the ready.....Lettuce, tomato, onions off to the side of the big plate.....Coca-Cola fizzing louder than the fries snapped.....The waitress timing her arrivals just right for coffee refills.....Ate at a leisurely pace.....It was the way it's supposed to be.....The atmosphere was sooo cordial, I left my little "Do Not Disturb" sign in my purse.....No one bothered me, I'm happy to say.....Read two newspapers.....Waitress asked "Any dessert today, Hon?".....I passed, but I appreciated her service.....My own mother couldn't have taken better care of me.....I didn't mind leaving 3 singles on the table.....I wish I could have left more.....On a more sour note, is there anyplace in town that June Pointer hasn't worn out her welcome?.....She's the sole reason you haven't seen The Pointer Sisters lately.....If you pray, say one for her, she's on a bad road.....Speaking of notable female singers, Laura Branigan died late last week at 47.....With all due respect to her memory, I HATED her biggest hit, Gloria.....A great Gloria was done by Van Morrison's old group, Them, in '64.....Obviously, not the same song.....I like listening to old radio shows with Kenny Dellmar as Senator Claghorn.....That's a joke, son.....The two Sen. Claghorn movies he made were amusing, if not great.....He was the obvious inspiration for the Foghorn Leghorn cartoon character.....I always admired the way the animators & writers at Warner Brothers were able to take one dimensional, one-joke characters like the Roadrunner & Wile E. Coyote, and make them last.....You always knew what was coming, but you always laughed, anyway.....BEEP-BEEP!!.....Is Jane Pauley's Bi-polar revelation going to be her excuse for mistreating lower-level NBC News employees for years & years?.....There are some people in Burbank with long memories from their days at 30 Rock.....Crack has got to be the most stupid drug ever invented.....It's addicting, and literally turns people into blithering idiots.....It's got a smell worse than a dozen unflushed toilets, and worse, it's cheap.....You can smell it on people who've been to their local crack house.....With heroin, you need lots of money, with crack, you don't.....Crack addicts have killed for people's spare change.....I'm not by any means advocating that drugs be legalized, but just remember that your neighborhood drug dealer doesn't want to see them legalized either.....I'll end this with a line from the late, great Lonnie Donegan's Does Your Chewing Gum Lose It's Flavor, (on the bedpost overnight)?.....If tin whistles are made of tin, what do they make foghorns out of?

on Aug 30, 2004

  I went to a favorite diner

i can understand why its a favorite.  i wonder what the chances of a non-native finding a place like that?  (i know of 2 but ive been here a while)
great description too. i was ready to grab one of your fries

on Aug 30, 2004

*King, you keep your hands off my fries! hee hee -- AA