Rantings, Raves and Ramblings
Don't worry, you'll get it!
Published on August 31, 2004 By Anne Alogy In Blogging
Hello Again,

While listening to the John & Jeff syndicated radio show earlier, they were sending "a shot" out to listeners who had called in earlier and gave their names to the producer, for the sole purpose of having their names mentioned when J&J salute "third shift" workers. It reminded me of a former DJ here in LA, who for many years would take down the names of anyone who called in a request, then as his shift was winding down, he would say their names over a long instrumental piece and every few names say "Roll Call!" In that fun spirit, I decided tonight's blog would be my own Roll Call. I think you'll catch on quick as to who I'm mentioning. It may be eclectic, but not esoteric! People who have, are presently, or possibly will face a real roll call are noted with Roll Call in CAPS.
The Roster:

Desi, Lucy, Vivian, William...Roll Call!.....Tony, John, Stu, Paul, George, Pete, Ringo & Jimmy...Roll Call!.....John, Suzanne, Joyce, Norman, Audra, Jennilee, Priscilla, Richard & Don...Roll Call!.....Charles, Leslie, Patricia, Susan, Tex...ROLL CALL!.....Henry, Babe, Barry, Willie...Roll Call!.....Clark, Vivien, Leslie, Olivia & Hattie...Roll Call!.....Michael, Marlon, Janet, Tito, Randy, La Toya...ROLL CALL!.....Frank, Sammy, Dean, Peter & Joey...Roll Call!.....Howard, Robin, Gary, Fred & Scott...Roll Call!.....Humphrey, Ingrid, Paul, Claude, Peter & Sydney...Roll Call!.....Sandy, Nolan, Walter, Randy...Roll Call!.....Julius, Leonard, Arthur, Herbert & Milton...Roll Call!.....Martin, Steven, George, Oliver...Roll Call!.....Mac, Jack, Wendy, Carl & BK...Roll Call!.....Johnny, Marcia, Lance, F. Lee, Christopher & Barry...Roll Call!.....John, Joe, Bart & Johnny...Roll Call!.....Larry, Shemp, Moe, Curly, Joe, & Curly Joe...Roll Call!.....Mick, Keith, Brian, Bill, Charlie, Mick T. & Ron...Roll Call!.....Kenneth, Jeffrey, Andrew & Lea...ROLL CALL!.....Alfred, Janet, Tony...Roll Call!.....Joseph, Martin, Adolf, Herman, Rudolf, Heinrich, Albert...ROLL CALL!.....Bear, Knute, Amos, John, Joe, Woody & Ara...Roll Call!.....Yoko, Linda, Heather, Olivia, Barbara, Maureen, Cynthia & Patti...Roll Call!.....Josef, Nikita, Leonid, Yuri & Mikhail...Roll Call!.....Jay, Johnny, Jack, Steverino, Ernie, Jerry & Dagmar...Roll Call!.....Peggy, Janet, Kathy & Diane...Roll Call!.....Wizard, Baron, Branch, Dean & Coach K...Roll Call!.....Dan, John, Bill, Chevy, Gilda, Garrett & Larraine...Roll Call!.....Patty, Maxine & La Verne...Roll Call!.....Richard, Henry, John, G. Gordon & Spiro...ROLL CALL!.....Edward R., Douglas, Walter & Dan...Roll Call!.....Judge, Happy, Ford, General, Bowie, Peter, Bart, Fay & Bud...Roll Call!.....Al, Lucky, Bugsy & Sam...ROLL CALL!

All accounted for, if not present! Thanks for reading. As Always, Anne Alogy

on Aug 31, 2004

ya gotta love all those rolls altho im clueless about who the beatles' jimmy' is (and wouldnt billy preston be on their roll?) id also nominate kaiser, onion, dinner, parker & egg

hell i almost forgot..jon, chevy, martin, steve & randy

on Aug 31, 2004

*King, Jimmy is Jimmy Nicol, who played drums for the Beatles in Austrailia when Ringo got very ill. He was called The con-Temporary Beatle. He's still known for that brief stint today!
I left out Billy Preston because 1) he was already an established rock star when he played on Get Back/Don't Bring Me Down and 2) a mere technicality: he was never billed as a Beatle.

Your two nominations deserve a great big ROLL CALL!

As Always, Anne