Rantings, Raves and Ramblings
Anne blogs again!
Published on September 1, 2004 By Anne Alogy In Blogging
Hello Again,

A man who owns an apartment building down the street has been ragging on the neighborhood liberals.....He's been extolling the virtues of all things Bush.....I'd take exception except for one thing.....He's still a Canadian citizen, and he's admitted that he's never voted in his life.....He came here when he was 9, and is around 61 now.....I've asked him, he's not the least bit interested in becoming a US citizen.....Guess he was afraid of being drafted when he was younger.....He is good with stock tips and horse info.....That's how he became the owner of an apartment building.....Just within the last week, Paramount finally took down it's Frasier billboard facing Melrose.....Best wishes from me go out to Star Trek's James Doohan, "Scotty".....Got his star on the Walk of Fame Tuesday.....He's 84 and was recently diagnosed with Alzheimer's.....He said this would be his very last public appearance.....Indians 22, Yankees 0.....Worst loss in Yankees' 101-year history.....I wonder how Billy Martin would have reacted if he had been managing the Yanks.....Politicians who wrap themselves in the flag should be ashamed of themselves.....You know what they say about the kind of people that take refuge in patriotism.....Does Lois Lane still get kidnapped?.....The WWE Diva contest is a joke.....If you're not watching, it's too hard to explain.....Trust me, though, Vince McMahon won't make this error again.....What South Park did to Mel Gibson in The Passion of the Jew episode was nearly borderline slander.....And funny as Hell.....Gophers are not cute creatures.....Eisenhower, MacArthur & Patton all had two things in common: they all graduated from West Point, and they all hated each other.....Ike, in addition to adding Military Industrial Complex to our language, also originated the term The Establishment.....Q: What did Charles Lindbergh and George Bernard Shaw have in common?.....A: Both were personal friends of Adolf Hitler.....When Eisenhower was first elected President, MacArthur said that Ike would be a fine President, because he was the finest clerk who had ever served under him.....Ouch!

Thank you for reading. As Always, Anne Alogy

on Sep 01, 2004

A man who owns an apartment building down the street has been ragging on the neighborhood liberals.....He's been extolling the virtues of all things Bush.....I'd take exception except for one thing.....He's still a Canadian citizen, and he's admitted that he's never voted in his life.....He came here when he was 9, and is around 61 now.....I've asked him, he's not the least bit interested in becoming a US citizen.....Guess he was afraid of being drafted when he was younger.....He is good with stock tips and horse info.....That's how he became the owner of an apartment building

did he (or does he still) refer to the community at the terminus of the 10 freeway as 'the people's republic of santa monica'?  i truly hope he has a 'love it or leave it' (just dont join it) bumpersticker on his car.   not often you run into someone who qualifies for 2 different dylan songs from the same album. 

on Sep 01, 2004

*King, in all actuality, he HAS made that Santa Monica reference! Lemme guess the Dylan songs. Hmmm. How about It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry and Ballad of a Thin Man? Or Subterreanian Homesick Blues and Desolation Row? They're selling postcards of the hanging.....Anne
on Sep 02, 2004

How about It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry and Ballad of a Thin Man? Or Subterreanian Homesick Blues and Desolation Row?

wow. im impressed...even tho i was thinking of 'dear landlord' and 'i pity the poor immigrant'. 

on Sep 02, 2004

*KIng, my knowledge of Dylan songs comes mainly from going through my parents' records! I'm still wondering what Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 means. When my mother told me what Ballad of a Thin Man was all about, I keeled over in laughter, even though I'm sure Mr. Dylan was very serious & intense when he wrote it.
They'll stone you when you're trying to be so good! -- Anne