Rantings, Raves and Ramblings
Overused catch-phrases!
Published on September 4, 2004 By Anne Alogy In Blogging
Hello Again,

Every New Year's, Simpsons creator Matt Groening does something called "Forbidden Words" in his weekly comic strip, Life in Hell. He lists words & phrases that he's sick of or feels should be out of vogue. Having heard several like that earlier, I'd like to make a list like that of my own. Are you also sick of hearing.....?

My bad.....Bitches.....Hos.....Compassionate conservatism.....It's the bomb.....Going postal.....Pick me up a forty.....Give it up for.....Cali.....Kickin' it.....Dawg.....Wussup?.....Homie.....Faith-based initiative.....Yo, yo, yo.....Posse.....What up?.....Pimp.....A Christian nation.....Gangsta.....Niggaz.....'Tude (as in attitude).....Eye candy.....The buzz.....My ride.....Couch Potato.....Dead Presidents.....Mickey D's.....He got game.....The OC.....Word.....Phat.....Towel heads (Arabs).....Diva.....Mother F***er.....Icon.....Fire down below.....How they hangin'?.....And I'm all, like.....Booty Call.....Grandmaster.....Copasetic.....Outsourcing.....I got a Jones for.....Gang banga.....Downsizing.....Samoleans.....Family values.....The Sandbox.....I've gotta see a man about a horse.....Dittoheads.....Official gear.....Exchanging body fluids.....Liberal loonies.....You know, you know.....Rocket science.....In the house.....The latest dish.....Gone ballistic.....Listen, Einstein.....Trailer trash.....Career suicide.....Space Cadet.....Jump the shark.....Get to steppin'.....Horizontal Hokey-Pokey.....Raider Nation.....Politically correct.....Stick a fork in him, he's done!

And so is this blog! Thank you for reading. As Always, Anne Alogy

on Sep 04, 2004
and the ever popular...dude!
I haven't heard I've gotta see a man about a horse in a while. My dad always said that...

good list Anne:)
on Sep 04, 2004

*Kelly, I considered listing "dude"! Maybe I should have re-considered!

My friend goes "dude", and I say "dude", and my friend is like, "dude", and I'm all like, "dude", so my friend says "dude", and I go "dude".....

Thank you, Kelly -- Anne
on Sep 04, 2004

Nice list, but, I have to take issue with you on "copasetic" simply for the Jerry (Garcia) factor ("West L.A. Freeway", a cut off of the "In the Dark" album).

As for most of the others on the list, I thought half of them WERE dead! lol
on Sep 04, 2004
yeah, like, ya know?
on Sep 04, 2004

*Gideon, The Dead were Truckin' on the freeway! I seem to hear "copasetic" an awful lot. I think some people say it just to try to impress people with their "vocabularies". BTW, I LOVE the Live Dead album! My favorite cut is Love Light, all fifteen and a half minutes of it.--Anne

*Mason, It's like, you know, how people, you know, say some words, you know, and like read 'em, you know, you know, and like, you know, it's all good, you know, and I shoulda put it's all good on the list, you know, you know, you know!--Anne
on Sep 05, 2004
Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! "Horizontal Hokey Pokey" is one of mine! noooo fair!

(currently in the JU blogger relocation program)
on Sep 05, 2004

*thatoneguy, Your secret is safe with me! Use HPP to your heart's delight! There is one term I didn't list that I'm kicking myself over. It was so obvious, I missed it, and that is --Don't Go There! My bad! Grrrrrr! -- Anne