Rantings, Raves and Ramblings
Points pondered
Published on September 5, 2004 By Anne Alogy In Blogging
Hello Again,

Great cartoon in Friday's LA Daily News.....A man is watching President Bush deliver his acceptence speech on TV.....Bush has his arms in the air triumphantly on the screen.....The man says to his wife & child "I didn't know things were so good!".....Before anybody says "Liberal Media Bias", the LA Daily News ALWAYS endorses Republicans.....President Bush sounds more like Candidate Bush.....He didn't exactly get elected in 2000.....From all indications, it looks like the Bush people have already given up on California.....That's exactly one-fifth of the 270 Electoral votes needed for election.....Last poll I saw, Kerry had a double-digit lead in the Golden State.....Arnold's election as Governor hasn't helped Bush like some thought it might.....Badmouthing the entertainment industry isn't going to help.....It may fly in the rural south & midwest, but if not for Hollywood, some of those same places would have no entertainment at all.....Their business communities are bound to think of that.....The influence of the biz reaches far beyond Los Angeles County.....The Gores & Joe Lieberman may have learned that the hard way.....If the best the RNC can do is Ron Silver, then that is not a good sign.....How many people have paid to see Ron Silver in anything?.....The war, jobs, healthcare & the economy are the real issues.....I mostly hear only one side discussing those things.....And they're not the party in power.....If Joseph Kennedy were still alive, do you think he would have allowed the union of Arnold & granddaughter Maria Shriver?.....According to Roman Catholic doctrine, marrying a divorced man is forbidden.....Before she met Prince Rainier, Grace Kelly wanted to marry Oleg Cassini, who was twice-divorced.....Her very Catholic parents put the kibosh on that.....I don't get it, one Yale grad put on a uniform after graduation and went to war, and was highly decorated.....The other Eli seemingly did everything he could to avoid serving in that same war.....Yet the latter is questioning the courage of the former.....All I know is that the Republican Platform is virtually the same now as it was in 1980.....Abortion is still legal, there's no forced prayer in public schools, and they'll NEVER get enough support for any type of new Constitutional Amendment.....If Bush somehow wins in November, it won't be by a large margin, and perhaps the GOP will have to resort to even more devious shenanigans than they did four years ago.

Talk to me November 3rd. I'll be a little busy on the 2nd. As Always, Anne Alogy

on Sep 08, 2004

If Joseph Kennedy were still alive, do you think he would have allowed the union of Arnold & granddaughter Maria Shriver?

hmmm i cant help thinking hed admire her determination to do almost anything to put another kennedy in office. (im pretty much convinced shes the power behind the throne)

on Sep 08, 2004
How many people have paid to see Ron Silver in anything?
i got paid to screen 2 of his flix...it wasnt worth it tho
on Sep 08, 2004

*King, I have an idea, let's pair up Ron Silver and Maria Shriver! Joseph P. and Rose will truly spin in their graves!