Rantings, Raves and Ramblings
Anne Alogy's Articles In Blogging » Page 4
August 29, 2004 by Anne Alogy
Hello Again, With football starting up, I thought this would be a good time to list team names that I like. Most are from colleges, some high schools. (drum roll) The List: Hollywood, Ca (HS) Sheiks.....Florida A&M Rattlers.....Boston Univ. Terriers.....Indiana State Sycamores.....Whittier, Ca (college) Poets.....Purdue Boilermakers.....Austin, Tx (college) Kangaroos.....Vanderbilt Commodores.....Ribet (LA, Ca) (HS) Fighting Frogs.....Holy Cross Crusaders.....San Diego Mesa (junior coll...
August 28, 2004 by Anne Alogy
Hello Again, I wasn't around then, but remember all those old cartoons from the 50's & 60's that showed us how great the future was going to be?.....I do believe that now is those 'toons definition of the future.....What the hell happened?.....Next time you see a politician claim that he's "tough on crime", remember that he needs high crime rates to get elected---and to stay in office.....So what do you think he's actually going to do about crime once he's in office?.....The answer to same...
August 27, 2004 by Anne Alogy
Hello Again, Thursday was Strange with a capital S.....Everyone I encountered was NICE!.....Traffic was a breeze, for once in a lifetime.....Other drivers were polite.....People I've traded barbs with were pleasant and friendly.....Even the LAPD, long notorious for their rudeness, was cordial.....While stopped at a red light next to a black & white, the cop in the passenger seat nodded hello & tipped his hat.....You could have knocked me over with a feather.....Not one unpleasant incident ...
August 26, 2004 by Anne Alogy
Hello Again, We've all been there. Someone or something angers, saddens or frustrates us all, and we wish things would be different, and we resort to those tried and true words "Just once I'd like to (see)"..... Clean streets and sidewalks in Los Angeles, like they do in Beverly Hills & Santa Monica.....A heavyweight boxing champion that defends his title more than once a year.....A doctor concerned with patients' well-being first and not payments or malpractice insurance.....Both the l...
August 25, 2004 by Anne Alogy
Hello Again, I was in New York City a few months ago.....It looked NOTHING like a "Friends" episode.....The show may be out of production, but the criticism keeps piling on.....And it will for years to come.....They brought it on themselves.....It would have been nice if at least one of the cast members had addressed the race issue.....I guess they couldn't be bothered with it.....Zola Budd was interviewed recently, 20 years after her memorable collision with Mary Decker at the LA Olympics...
August 24, 2004 by Anne Alogy
Hello Again, Whenever people talk great movies, they're usually speaking of about 10-15 films that just about everyone's seen. There are many great movies that just missed by a smidgen of being considered masterpieces, for whatever reasons. They are great in their own right, and don't deserve to be forgotten. If you haven't seen any of the listed films, you are in for a treat. This list is, of course, incomplete, but a representative listing of underrated movies. I have listed films by...
August 23, 2004 by Anne Alogy
Hello Again, I had a nice all-movie blog going.....About 90% through it, AOL booted me.....I'll try it again later this week.....How 'bout dem Angels?.....Only 70 days 'til Election Day.....Quick review of Excorcist: The Beginning: Don't bother.....May be worst movie of 2004.....Prediction: If Bush somehow gets a second term, impeachment hearings will begin by the end of 2006.....The nation is way too divided for our own good.....The media isn't helping.....Please, just report the damn new...
August 22, 2004 by Anne Alogy
Hello Again, On this particular Saturday night, I stayed home.....I went nowhere, saw no one.....It was divine.....Lake Wobegon is fine.....Soup, sandwich & Fritos was my dinner.....Also fine.....Yankee Stadium is an awesome place.....I was there in May.....I've been to NYC only twice, but both times it's been a great visit.....I'm looking foward to going again sometime.....Tapestry by Carole King is the greatest female artist album, ever.....Sheryl Crow will be one of the all-time greats,...
August 21, 2004 by Anne Alogy
Hello Again, They are now selling Prozac at Dodger Stadium.....But only when Eric Gagne enters a game.....Where has West Coast Julie Brown (the white one) been lately?.....Who'll ever forget her big hit, Homecoming Queen's Got a Gun?.....My big Saturday plans: listening to Prarie Home Companion.....Watching a video.....Reading a book.....Extra sleeping.....Not going anywhere & feeling good about it.....I talk a lot about Nevada, but Arizona is also a good place to visit.....New Mexico, too...
August 20, 2004 by Anne Alogy
Hello Again, Didja ever notice that we live much of our lives making references to or dealing with people, places and things known for their three letters? I'll bet we know all these..... USA.....FBI.....CIA.....FCC.....FAA.....AMA.....USC.....RCA.....WWW.....SEC.....DMV.....LAX.....NYC.....NBA.....NFL.....NHL.....DFW.....FLA..... MIT.....BBC.....KGB.....NBC.....CNN.....CBS.....ABC.....UPN.....TNT.....TBS.....TLC.....ATM.....CBC.....IRS.....MTV.....NYU.....JDL.....KFC..... SBC.....AT&...
August 19, 2004 by Anne Alogy
Hello Again, I read with great consternation that Major League Baseball Commissioner Bud Selig was just granted a 3-year extension through 2009. This comes less than 3 months after he said that he wouldn't serve past 2006. Previously, he said that he wouldn't serve past 1998. What a politician he would make! In spite of his questionable leadership, baseball is in good, if not great shape. The NFL & NBA have clearly surpassed baseball in popularity and Selig must bear the blunt of the blame...
August 19, 2004 by Anne Alogy
Hello Again, Earlier, I spent over 2 hours working on a blog.....The whole thing was about baseball.....It was carefully & lovingly written, as I love the game.....I also have slow dial-up service.....You see it coming, don't you?.....A friend calls me, and I lose my AOL connection.....Of course I lose the blog.....I was beyond pissed.....I was sooo pissed that I went to the bathroom & pissed.....I also discovered that my cat had left a dead mouse in there.....Thanks a lot, kitty!.....And ...
August 18, 2004 by Anne Alogy
Hello Again, You know that day destroys the night.....Night divides the day.....If I hear one more "clever" anchorperson, weather nerd or DJ call Wednesday "Hump Day", I'm going to scream!.....What has gotten into the Cleveland Indians?.....Great article in the latest Rolling Stone about Clear Channel and their stranglehold on radio and concert promotions.....The Athens Olympics are creating the least amount of buzz locally that I can remember.....Ruth isn't terribly bright, either.....Who...
August 17, 2004 by Anne Alogy
Hello Again, This is a list of things that are either gone, not available in my area, or just somehow being missed by me. Do you remember..... Phillips 66 stations.....Civil Defense triangles.....Colorful passenger trains of Santa Fe, Union Pacific, Southern Pacific, etc......Woolworth's.....Lindy Ballpoint pens.....Wilkinson Sword Blades.....Burger Chef.....Admiral TVs.....Carter's Little Liver Pills.....De Sotos.....Straw Hat Pizza.....Bubble Up soda.....Roller Derby.....Gallenkamp Sh...
August 16, 2004 by Anne Alogy
Hello Again, In all seriousness, I do enjoy this.....It's a welcome release for someone who works professionally as a writer.....Even if someone disagrees with something I wrote, I take it as a sign they care, and I don't take it personally.....Internet reports are calling last night's WWE SummerSlam SummerSnore.....I'll see a friend's tape of it later.....Vince McMahon should take note, though: An awful lot of people paid an awful lot of money to see the pay-per-view.....And the arena in ...